Environment Canada's weekend forecast calling for a lot of rain has the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority warning of low level flooding in the region.
In a release, the NPCA says water levels in local watercourses are slightly elevated but remain well below critical flood thresholds.
They say the forecasted rainfall is not anticipated to exceed these critical flood levels, however localized flooding typical of low-lying, flood prone areas is expected.
Residents are urged to keep themselves, children and pets well away from streams and creeks as these watercourses may be hazardous.
Local municipalities are advised to check for debris clogging culverts, catch basins, and other storm infrastructure.
In addition, strong southwesterly winds will accompany this storm system potentially impacting the Lake Erie shoreline.
Sustained winds of 50km/hour with gusts approaching 100km/hour may occur.
The water level in Lake Erie is presently 70cm (27.6 inches) above its average level.
Current forecasts are predicting Lake Erie water levels to increase an additional 1.0m (3.3 feet) with associated wave action.
During this weekend’s storm event, Lake Erie at this time, is not anticipated to reach the same level as during the 2019 Halloween wind storm where a surge of 1.7m (5.6 feet) with 2.0m high waves was experienced.
Stakeholders with interests along Lake Erie should pay close attention to water levels and waves in their area.
Residents along the lakeshore are urged close storm shutters, floodproof low-lying openings in their homes, and stay away from the shoreline.