Welland City Council has approved its budget, and it is passing on savings to residents.
The 2023 operating budgets for the city total $107M, but represent a -3.05% drop for residents on their city portion of their taxes.
The cost of transit has been transferred to the Region, giving Niagara municipalities some breathing room in their budgets, however residents will stay pay for transit on their Regional taxes.
Just last month, Welland Council sounded the alarm over the proposed cost of transit for Welland residents, which was estimated to be a 30% increase in 2023 over 2022.
The budget review committee for the Region is meeting once again tonight, and Regional Council will need to approve the costs.
“After a thorough and comprehensive budget review process, the City has passed its 2023 budgets in the best interest of the Welland resident,” said Steven Fairweather, director of finance and CFO.
“The 2023 budget reflects a commitment to infrastructure, community services and preparing for the growth the city will welcome in the coming years.”
Some of the highlights of Welland's budget include $3 million for parks, $9.7 million for roads, $2.1 million for sidewalks, $2.6 million for storm sewers and $3.1 million for Fire Station 3.
Water rate customers will see some increases:
-Low residential water consumers (annual consumption of 100 cubic meters or less per year) will have a $48 annual increase.
-Average residential water consumers (annual consumption of less than 180 cubic meters per year) will have a $79 annual increase.
-The annual rebate for the Low-Income Senior Water/Wastewater Rebate Program increases from $372 to $420, effective January 1, 2023. The deadline to submit for the 2022 rebate is May 1, 2023.
-The eligible amount for the Special Assistance Program – Water/Wastewater increases from $600 to $648, effective January 1, 2023.