Welland council will be looking to fill the Ward 3 vacancy during tonight's meeting.
Councillors will first go in-camera to discuss confidential matters regarding the 5 candidates vying to fill the seat vacated by Lucas Spinosa.
After that, council will return to open session where the vote will be conducted publicly.
Councillors will indicate who they support for the appointment during each round, and if a candidate receives the majority vote that person will be added to the appointment motion.
If no one gets a majority vote, the candidate with the fewest number of votes will be removed from consideration and the vote will be taken again until a candidate gets the majority vote.
In the event of a tie council will either discuss the matter at a special council meeting a week from now or council could call a by-election.
Spinosa resigned earlier this year, citing harassment of friends, family, and staff at his business.
The 5 people looking to step into the role are: