There are no changes to garbage pickup in Niagara this Easter weekend.
The Region says collection will be running as usual and all landfills and recycling drop-off depots will be open as usual, except for the West Lincoln facility, which will be closed Monday.
Some regional run offices will be closed on both Friday and Monday including the administrative offices, sexual health clinics, public health, child care centres and the COVID-19 Info-Line's live chat.
Niagara Region Transit, Niagara Specialized Transit and NRT OnDemand will not be runningĀ on Good Friday, but regular service on Easter Monday.
The Pen Centre Shopping Mall, the Fairview Mall, and the Seaway Mall will be closed Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
The Outlet Collection in Niagara-on-the-Lake will be open Good Friday from 11:00am - 7:00pm and Easter Sunday from 11:00am - 7:00pm.
LCBO stores are closed Friday. The Beer Store will be closed Friday and Sunday.
Most grocery stores are also closed on Friday and Sunday.