A letter asking Niagara residents to follow public health advice 100% of the time has been signed by 70 community leaders.
The letter details the struggles Niagara Health is experiencing as it continues to care for 49 COVID patients, including 12 in the ICU.
"We strongly urge every member of our community to follow public health guidelines 100% of the time. It will save lives."
Here is the letter:
To the Niagara community,
Now more than ever we are #InItTogether and need to support one another as we fight through the third wave of this dreadful pandemic.
We’ve vaccinated more than 24% of Niagara’s residents, beginning with those in the highest risk populations. More than 125,000 doses have been administered in our community, and the number of COVID-19 vaccinations increases each day by the thousands.
At the same time, however, there is reason for concern. Niagara Health is experiencing unprecedented pressures and is asking for your help to protect capacity for life-saving critical care and other patient services. This is also the case for hospitals across the province and beyond.
Let’s remember the 379 people who contracted COVID-19 and died, along with their loved ones who are grieving these terrible losses. There are currently 1,405 active cases in our community, a number that’s been growing at a concerning rate over the past number of weeks.
There have been so many challenges thrown our way over the past 14 months. We know people are hurting and we know you are frustrated.
Now more than ever we need to support one another. Follow public health guidelines – masking, physical distancing, handwashing and keeping contact with members of your household only. Support local businesses – stores, restaurants, wineries and other merchants. And be kind.
We are #InItTogether